Hope Abounding

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

15 Months Old — June 6, 2015

15 Months Old

At 15 months old, Kara…

…likes to tapdance backwards to her own music. As you can see, this girl is silly and has so much fun.
…likes to float in the pool at Nina and Poppa’s.
…sings Rockabye Baby to her baby dolls.
…goes down for naps (still 2 naps, sometimes just 1) and bedtime very easy. We still have our bedtime routine. She waves and blows kisses as I walk out the door. Daddy reads the Bible to her (she loves to hold her ba-bull and points out all the pictures of men and women (mama). Those are her words. 😉 Then we pray, say mena, lay her down with her babies and cover her up. 😍
…is only nursing once a day at bedtime. If you remember 3 months ago, I didn’t think we would ever get to this point. I think she may be ready to drop the last one but guess who is not ready…
…likes to clean. She pulls out wipes (😩) and goes to town wiping things down. It’s pretty adorable. I just hope I can get her to use something a little less expensive like towels!
…goes crazy when I say the b word…bath! She loves baths.
…makes sure we pray for every meal. It is so sweet. Before eating she folds her hands and says amen (mena) when we finish praying. Sometimes she says her own prayers (sounds like “blah blah blah blah mena”) and I’ve noticed she pretends to close her eyes now too.
…started covering her mouth and fake laughing. 😂
…New words like cookie (cookoo), pickle ( another variant of cookoo), orange (owange), princess, beast, juice, bang bang (when she’s playing the drum).
…says ” down” all the time. To get up OR down.
…loves running around on the couch. It cracks her up.
…is 18 lb 14 oz, 29.5 in long.
…climbs in your lap to read a book.
…pats my belly and kisses it and says baby. 😍I doubt she really understands, but it’s so sweet.
…gives the BEST tight hugs. Oh we love it.
…has started saying “thank you” when she hands us something. 😄 She also says it when we hand her something she wants so I do think she gets it.
…still loves the tractor and going outside.
…loves singing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Also has finally figured out where her knees are. They used to be elbows.
…signs “more,” ” food,” and “all done.” I don’t remember teaching her the first two!
…wants to walk everywhere.
…has 4 new teeth for a total of 12!
…inhaled Mandarin oranges.